Friday, February 19, 2010

Radio Is One of the Most Under-Rated and Under-Appreciated Films in Movie History

"Radio" the true story of high school football coach Harold Jones, a mentally challenged young man named James Robert "Radio" Kennedy may well be one of the most under-appreciated and under-appreciated film in movie history.

James Kennedy was called "Radio" as the inhabitants of Anderson, South Carolina because he was always listening to discarded radios. As a youth, he would push or riding a grocery cart down the street, talking with someone. It was 1976 and the Radio not in school because he was mentally challenged, and an easy target for the more fortunate children.

After a few football players at coach Harold Jones TL Hanna High School team harass, threaten and scare The Living Daylights out of Radio (played by Cuba Gooding Jr.), Jones befriends and protects the radio by slowly gain his trust and invited him to the team football practice.

Coach Jones (played wonderfully by veteran actor Ed Harris) has ultimately Radio help out as a "coach" and sat on the bench during games. When Radio newfound acceptance leads to his self-image and self-confidence increases, his enthusiasm creates a distraction for the team at a critical time, and some boosters (as the father of a star player) wants radio away.

Fortunately for Radio, his unpretentious love and loyalty to the coach and the players echoed, and Radio will be allowed to remain a part of both team and school. At this time, Radio go to school, not as a student but as a positive influence on students and a welcome school helper.

All this recalls the biblical admonition "if you hear his voice today, do not harden your heart." Radio is about love, acceptance, approval, understanding, compassion, kindness, loyalty and find peace in our time.

Radio movie was inspired by Gary Smith's 1996 article entitled "Someone to Lean On", which first appeared in Sports Illustrated Magazine. The film benefits greatly from the script by Mike Rich and direction by Mike Tolling, also one of the producers with Herb Gains and Brian O'Keefe. Radio managed to generate 52 million U.S. dollars in ticket revenue, but had mixed positive and negative reviews from critics (as we are one).

Radio was a great movie with a real message of value. Radio get a positive response to my searching questions as a movie reviewer: Are we a better person for having seen this movie? You can believe it.

We are incensed that the radio was absolutely humiliated at great prices time. It's not like Ed Harris is a no. Before radio was made, had Ed Harris was nominated for 3 Oscars for Best Supporting Actor ( "The Hours," "The Truman Show" and "Apollo") and is nominated for Best Actor in "Pollock." Add to those honors 4 nominations at the Golden Globes and a best actor Golden Globe for The Truman Show.

Cuba Gooding Jr. had won an Oscar as Best Supporting Actor in "Jerry Maguire" (remember his famous line "Show me the money"), and was nominated for a Golden Globe for the same price.

The really good news about radio is that radio is still the coach of Hanna High School team and bring his presence at the school. He is still a story that continues to grow and radiate with positive vibes.

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