Sunday, February 21, 2010

Reasons for the Stigma Surrounding Diaper

One of the most difficult things a young man can go through when they grow up, is bedwetting.Even as a society we have become more sensitive to many issues, one reason or another bedwetting and the use of diapers to manage it is a topic that is still shrouded in shame.Although many cases of bedwetting can be cured by means of alarms, medication and other methods, there are some cases of bedwetting continued into adulthood. In situations like these, a prudent approach would be to use protective clothing such as diapers. This article discusses both the negative image diapers have with many people and steps we can take to overcome this stereotype, so society can become more accepting of people who have no other option than to use diapers to manage their bedwetting.

Many people believe that diapers should only be used on babies, people with severe developmental disabilities, or people who are bedridden or senile (such as people with Alzheimer's disease) By default, this underlines the image's diapers represent helplessness and lack of independence. Most of the public feel that if your cognitive and / or physical abilities are not at the level of a baby or small child, you do not have anything wearing diapers.

There are different levels and types of incontinence, and these may occur during the day, night, or both. Some people have mild incontinence and some people may experience heavier levels.With that in mind, different clothing is more suitable for certain types of incontinence.

When we read an ad for an incontinence garment especially products that are called "underwear as" by the manufacturer and the ad says something like "makes the wearer feel more worthy" we cringe. Do not misunderstand us, we are not against people using these types of products, and they have worked for some people, but there are also plenty of cases where the best choice is good old-fashioned diapers. Diapers are designed specifically for urinary incontinence underwear is not, but because adults and older children are so skittish about wearing diapers these points are those marketed to this demographic. In some situations, however, people who use a hammer to put a screw. In this case they're not using the tool for what it was designed to do. Like a carpenter or woodworker uses certain types of saws to make certain types of pieces, you must use the most appropriate and effective garment to manage their incontinence, and because people have different types of incontinence their choice of what clothes to wear will be different. What kind of clothing to choose depends on several factors, type and level of incontinence, whether it be during the day, night, or both, personal preferences, how well the product, price, whether the person is worried to maintain discretion if they have time and desire to wash reusable garments, how certain products impact the wearer's skin, etc.

Unfortunately, there is tremendous stigma associated with diapers. Most people view diapers as babyish. This is the main reason most older children, adolescents, teenagers and adults are reluctant to use them in bed. In fact, most of them would not be caught dead in a diaper. Older children, adolescents and teenagers are at a point in their life where they want to become more independent and in their minds diapers represent a stage in their lives when they were more dependent on their parents. In their view, wearing diapers to bed is disappearing. Although we sympathize with this view, to a large extent, we believe it miss the mark.

One of the hallmarks of independence is the ability to take care of themselves, this includes managing health problems. We feel that by wearing diapers to bed the young takes responsibility for the situation where there is a very mature thing to do, and what adults do. In reality it could be argued that the young acts more as a baby by failing to wear diapers to bed.By not wearing proper protection to bed, they absolve themselves of responsibility and they are in effect saying that they are helpless to control the situation.

For further information:

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