Sunday, February 21, 2010

Road Trip A Trip To The Past

It had been years since we were in our hometown, Berkeley, California where we grew up. we decided it was time to come. Our man, and we went to a three-week trip in our car packed with CD, picnic goodies, and an idea of what, where and who you are visiting. We had several dates set up with friends and family. In Ashland, we saw two plays. Farther down the road we spend the night with old friends in Mt. Shasta which we had not seen in years.

Berkeley was next. We were excited and nervous at the same time. What would people think about us after all these years, what would we think of them. Where would we watch? we certainly aged, you know. Crossing the border from Oregon to California, we were very conscious of the brown hills, oak trees and eucalyptus. Our senses were stimulated with scents and sights that were so accustomed to. The emotional buttons of our childhood and youth were determined to be activated.

You can see, we were the youngest of two daughters in our family. Our sister was a beneficiary.Sally was smart, quick, athletic, and she and our parents had a threesome. we came along three years later. Our parents had hoped for a son. we were born premature, wrong sex, slow to learn, and awkward. we had difficulty finding a place in our family. It's our story anyway.

We obviously grown up since then. we visited, reviewed and changed our history a million times.But a story is a story, and it is endurance. Safe to go home activates childhood history and emotion.

While we were in Berkeley on this trip, we had the opportunity to visit our old house where we grew up. We were shocked to see how badly maintained they were. we rang the doorbell and a very kind lady let us in to have a look. Surprisingly, it was virtually the same as we left it. we saw our old bedroom, kitchen and dining room where it all happened. Yes, our old feelings came back a bit - small and weak, frightened and lonely. But this time was different. Curiously, we were able to understand and rise above the old and tired feelings that do not apply today. we have done our work through the years to understand myself - past and present and to appreciate the strength that we got from growing up in our family of origin.

Our sister and we spent two days together and remember to play "Do you remember the game?" It is not surprising that her memories are different from mine. . We are both however share some warm memories ... like summer vacations at our grandmother's mountain lake, listening to the radio and watching TV together, laughed includes jokes, etc. Instead of dwelling on the bad feelings from the past, we are eternally grateful to overcome our challenges, create our own journey and move on.

When was the last time you visited your family of origin, either in reality or fantasy? Are you able to call the good parts and move on from the not so good?

You are welcome to create your own journey, whether it is a couple, stepcouple, step family or other circumstances ... free of negative influences from the past.

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