Monday, February 22, 2010

Villages Get High Scores as Sex

A study done by the International Institute of Population Sciences has found that rural youth are more likely to indulge in pre-marital sex than urban youth. The study revealed that 17% of men in rural areas engaged in pre-marital sex compared to 10% in cities. The corresponding number for women was 4% in rural areas and 2% in cities. The study involved 58,000 youths in the age group of 15-29 years and was conducted in six states including Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.

Nobel laureate Amartya Sen and Union health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad released this report at New Delhi. Mr zad expressed concern that many youngsters were indulging in unprotected sex, “Data shows more than 8 per cent people below 19 have experimented with sex,” said Azad.

The study also said that awareness about HIV/AIDS was very low.


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