Friday, February 26, 2010

5 Tips to Save On Your Wedding Cake

Save Money on Your Wedding Cake: Five Tips

Wedding Cakes days grow more and more complicated. Several layers of cake, can elegant cake toppers, and mounds of decorative glazes have your cake costs add up quickly.

Not long ago, I was looking around for a specialist cake bakery that also sold the cake-making supplies. I asked about the price of special made wedding cake and was shocked at the start price. The cheapest made-to-order cake was 300 pounds and I was not even in London!

You can save your money when it comes to a wedding, though. Here are my top five ways to save money on a cake.

1. Get a sponge instead of a fruit cake

Although fruit cakes are traditionally used as a wedding cake, more of today's brides choose sponge cakes instead. For the most part is simpler than sponge cakes fruit cake because they do not involve soaking fruit or feeding the cake after it is baked. Therefore, sponge cakes to save time and money.

If the idea of having all the sponge cake does not appeal to you, you can actually add a little more elegance by creating a cake that has different flavors in each layer. My sister-in-law had two layers, one of which was an expensive passion cake, and the other was a cheaper but still delicious chocolate sponge cake. The layers worked together beautifully and cut costs.

2. Do-it-yourself decorations

Unless you are a wonderful baker, you probably do not want to ice your wedding on your own, but you can save yourself a lot of cash by making the decor itself. Fresh fruit, leaves and flowers can be matched to your wedding bouquet and sprinkle over the cake to a beautiful effect.

3. Do-it-yourself cake

A great way to save lots of money is to bake your own wedding cake. If you are not a great cook or bake, you can ask a friend or family member who is good in this area in order to make the cake as a gift to you. They are sure to jump at a chance to help you.

If you want to create your own wedding cake, be sure to do a test run, and stick with an easy recipe. The hardest part of turning out a beautiful cake is icing it correctly, so you might want to hire someone to do this part, or just choose to keep the decorations simple with fresh fruit and flowers.

4. Create a multi-cake extravaganza

Why not have a cake made of lots of mini adventures cakes? Create an interesting design by stacking them on top of another or by using a traditional cake stand to create the illusion of a pie. You can use many varieties of cake and glaze colors, and you will have no trouble deciding how to cut the cake.

To make this approach work, baking the little cakes a few days early. If you have too many other things to do, ask some friends to help you out by baking a dozen fairy cakes each. Each friend could also ice the cakes in different colors and use different flavors.

5. Try supermarkets

If you need a beautiful wedding cake that is really cheaply priced, so check out your local supermarkets. Often they will wear many different cakes at very affordable prices. Marks and Spencer actually has a lot of cake styles and flavors, they look good and the price is great, too.

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