Dr. Phil's belief system is fully anchored in a very sensible approach to love and relationships. He believes in being true to yourself and not false in a relationship. It does not matter whether you are false to your own values and goals, or the values and goals for your partner, Dr. Phil invites people to be open and honest with each other. This is excellent advice, as it may be the best way to build a strong relationship.
According to Dr. Phil, the main cause of relationship break-up has failed expectations, and it is certainly true. If you are honest about what your values, needs and desires is that there is less chance that there will be a serious mistake that can ruin your relationship. He believes in maintaining an open and honest communication at all stages of the relationship, so that few know where their partner stands on key issues and objectives.
Doctor Phil has published a number of excellent books that offer advice on everything from childrearing to ways to save a relationship. He often requires a large amount of self-assessment and evaluation as a way to tune into how you really think and feel. If these evaluations should be for any use, you have to approach them honestly and openly and be truthful about the answer you give. Some may require involvement of your partner.
If your partner is not willing to participate, you should not take this as evidence that there is a lack of commitment. Many people, especially men, are not so interested in taking quizzes and conducting studies or evaluations. The assessments that Dr. Phil sets are a reflection of his belief that a successful relationship does not just happen, it takes ongoing work to keep it fresh and loving.
The best love advice he offers is that you should perform regular maintenance relationship and stay abreast of any misunderstandings or hurt feelings before they have a chance to fester and grow out of proportion. Part of this work also learn to see the relationship from your partner's perspective. It can be difficult, especially if you're in a period of stress, or if there are problems currently in progress. However, learning to put yourself in another's shoes may also be some of the best love advice you can receive.
Dr. Phil has been a voice reasoned and rational thinking. This can be critical if you are currently undergoing a difficult period. By reading his books and see his television shows and offers, you can often get some of the best love advice available and help build a stronger and more caring relationship as a result.
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