If your vacation in Europe to run this year, so make sure you are aware of all the important information that is available to you before you travel.
Across the EU (European Union), driving rules and regulations may be different than your country of residence, so as a responsible driver, you should familiarize yourself with the latest information, to avoid breaking any laws in the countries you are visiting, or just run through. The following essential guidelines are provided to help you before departure, but it is best to check the specific laws for each country in which you want to travel through.
Mandatory Motoring Equipment
All vehicles must display a plate with European style with a ring of stars that contain the country code, or a plate / sticker with your country code (eg GB, etc.) to be fastened to the rear of the car. Vehicle headlights must be adjusted properly so they do not 'dazzle' oncoming motorists. Warning triangles and reflective jackets were made compulsory in France last year, so if this is your first visit or you have not been for some time, see the countries you want to visit, as many EU countries require reflective jackets fitted and worn before leaving a vehicle if a breakdown occurs, or you go to a phone booth. One or sometimes 2 triangles must be carried in vehicles, and some insist on their use during the crash or when repairs are needed. Spain already has these rules in place, but other countries adopting this policy are: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Slovenia. Motorists may face an on-the-spot fines for breaches of these laws. If you use corrective glasses for driving in Spain, you must have an extra pair with you in the car at all times.
Essential documents
These documents must be carried at all times when driving:
A valid passport and any visas.
The original Vehicle Registration form.
A Full current driving license.
The original Motor Insurance Certificate (Check Policy cover your travel arrangements)
An IDP - International Driving Permit, if required. (Available from Post Offices)
General Driving Tips
Driving on right side to your vacation home in Europe may feel strange, so if this is your first time and you are on unfamiliar roads, it is best to be cautious in the beginning. Although signs in Europe is the same take notice of the town and city centers where parking and restricted access zones may vary or prohibit certain types of vehicles. Parking meters and guards are commonplace, although you may not realize it, so be prepared to "pay to park 'as usual. Finally, check the destination (local) roads and transport authority for any special rules that apply.
Never leave valuables in your car when it is unattended. It only takes a minute for a thief to create chaos for you by stealing belongings from your car or motor home. Loss of goods is bad enough, but if your documents or bank cards disappears it takes some time to report and resolve the mess, let alone the loss of holiday enjoyment time. Always think about what is left when you park and lock the car! You may not realize that some types of Chip & Pin cards are not recognized throughout Europe and as such, when you go to pay for goods or services can only cash is accepted. Be careful when re-maintaining your car by automatic pump, which allows card payment does not depend on your card, but always keep some extra cash handy.
Speed Limits
Always drive within the permitted speed limits as speeding motorists who get caught in Europe often face an on-the-spot fine. Apart from the danger for you and your passengers, this may also interrupt the journey and significantly delay your anticipated vacation destination arrival time. Although Sat naves are allowed and very useful for speed camera warning devices are not permitted in some countries and could result in fines or prison sentences for drivers, if found in the car.
Drink Limits
Drinking and driving in Europe is not tolerated, and with much lower or no borders, some countries impose very severe penalties for convicted drivers! If you drink alcohol, you must leave the car - however short the journey can be! Use of taxis or local buses may seem complicated, but it is much safer for all that way.
Traveling with children
Driving to your holiday home destination in Europe inevitably mean long transport times, and that often spells 'boredom' for children and teenagers. As soon as you plan your trip, think of the children and how they will feel solid in the back seat for 8 hours or more traveling to your holiday home in Europe. Be creative with your ideas and devise a number of interesting things for them to do or look out over the trip. Avoid the risk of arguments by taking a light-hearted view of what is happening. Involve children in choosing some specific places for rest, where everyone can relax or have any pent-up energy before you set off again. Picnic spots and rest areas are often spread out along major roads and highways, often signed well in advance before you decide whether it is right for a break. Fatigue affecting both drivers and passengers, so if someone feels uncomfortable, then stop at least one consolation is due to stretch their legs and refresh for a while.
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