The basic unit of Australian currency is giant cans of beer, which explains why Australian men's giant arm muscles.
The central part of
Prime Minister of Australia is Kevin Rudd, and not, as most Americans assume that the late Steve Irwin.
Australians are strong, loyal, trustworthy, and fierce fighters. If for some unimaginable reason you do not own a gun, consider carrying out an Australian site.
The following fun facts about
You are safe in their hands.
Fun facts about
Aussie Tug of War.
Wooly (600 inhabitants) is hosting the Australian Goanna Pulling Championships over Easter.Rather than tear eponymous animal into pieces, participants squatting on all fours, leather belts attach to their heads and engage in cranial tug-of-war. This sport is all the rage in the 19 century until it was replaced in popularity by sheep worrying and dunny dodging.
Note: If you do not know what a goanna or a dunny is you do not have survived, not least in Oz..
Fun facts about
Great Australian inventions include the half-car half-truck utility vehicle, (known in Oz as a 'Ute', all 'guy' should own one), the bionic ear, the black box flight recorder, notepad, and my very own favorite, wine dish (may the Almighty ever bless this man).
Fun facts about
The Australian fetish for meat pies are legendary: Australians eat 260 million of them annually, around 13 per citizen. (and is not good ...... sometimes).
Fun facts about
Queenslanders have several nicknames, but perhaps the most curious one is 'cane toad', after the amphibious creatures that were introduced to
These creatures are not a pretty sight, and has proved to be quite useless, since they ignored the annoying cane grub and instead focused on reproducing.
From an original batch of just 101 toad, there are now over 200 million of these long-legged creatures jumping around
Actually the problem was so bad that a Millionär pub owner has introduced a beer-of-a-bag-of-toads bounty, there is still receiving support from the Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty.
But it does not seem to hate them all; Queensland Rugby League representative teams (the best in the world) has chosen cane toad as their unofficial mascot and has even been listed by the National Trust of Queensland as a state icon, warts and all.
Unusual Zoo.
Even if you do not normally want to zoos, visit Australia Zoo.
This is not your typical zoo animals are not in cages, instead they roam through semi-natural habitats spread over hectares, many of which you can go straight through.
This zoo is the life's work and great love for the late Steve Irwin.
Profit from the zoo to help endangered species and to fund an on-site wildlife hospital.
Just be careful when you walk through the crocodile enclosure ... .
Fun facts about
Great Barrier Reef is home to around 1500 species of fish, 400 types of coral, 4000 species of mussels and other molluscs, 800 echinoderms, including sea cucumbers, 500 varieties of seaweed, 200 species, 1500 different fungi, and 6 types of turtle .
Fun facts about
If you're looking to do more than just soak up the sun on your travels there are a number of ways you can leave your mark on the environment in a good way.
The winged creatures are surprisingly sweet and may include feeding the 'bubs' or looking after orphaned flying foxes.
Fun facts about
Valued for its rich golden hue, rot-resistant oils and fine-grained,
Individuals can take 2000 years to reach 30m in height and live to be 3000 years old.
Fun facts about
Nobody is quite sure how it all started, but the loose collection of fishing shacks on Do Town all contain the word "Do" in their names.
There are sexy "Do Me" on approval "We Do", the Beatle-sequel "Love Me Do" and the melancholy "Do Write".
We are a funny lot us Aussies.
Beer Can Regatta.
Do not miss this cheerfully uneven event held in mid-July at
Getting the building material can be a lot of fun....
Fun facts about
If you thought
Principality of Hut River is
The Principality has about 13,000 citizens, is constitutionally valid.
It has a post office and gift shop and welcomes visitors.
PS you do not need a passport to visit.
Staircase to the Moon.
Reflections of the rising full moon affects rippled mud flats of
The city is abuzz with all eager to see the spectacle.
Note: The original says' a bottle of something ", but the author has obviously never been to Oz, no one ever takes just one bottle ...
No part of
(The point in the world that is furthest from the sea would be in
At 30,028 km2 it is almost the same size as
More land is occupied by pubs. (Can not find any statistics on the GDP here, my guess is: substantial).
In 1954 Bob Hawke made it into the Guinness Book of Records: he sculled 2.5 liters of beer in 11 seconds.
Bob Hawke went on to become prime minister of
Says a lot of our politicians ....
Funny stories:
Who do you think was more scared? The Australian family camping in
The poor croc turned straight around and drove back toward the water, unfortunately overlooking the tree in the road.
The tree lost a fair bit of bark and there were two big wet circles where the croc nose had slammed into the tree ...
A tourist from
Nothing strange or funny about it?
Well, Ayers Rock is huge (348 meters high), the only significant feature along the only road in the area, and he was right in front of the rock with his headlights shining on it!
One would think you'd notice, would not you?
He pulled into the next car comes along, to ask for directions.
The car looked like a ranger vehicle for him.
Well, they were served instead, and they immediately drove their spirits control ... 0116.
Too bad ... (If you do not know, 0.05 is the legal limit for driving in Australia, and if you run with more alcohol in you, than you are a fucking idiot ...).
Fun Facts About
Rabbits can be considered a pest in
There are 1500 one hundred species of Australian spiders.
If you read about our spiders you might not like this: The average person swallows three spiders a year.
We have over 6000 species of flies, about 4000 species of ants, and there are about 350 species of termites in
The total mass of all termites in the world is more than ten times the mass of all humans.
Termites are also known as white ants, but they are not ants, in fact not even closely related to ants.
Dingo is wild dog resident in
A Platypus is a strange looking creature that seems to be a cross between a duck and a beaver. They live primarily in water and exist only to confuse biologists.
The Tasmanian devil exists, it has the jaw strength of a crocodile, and you can see it at Australia Zoo.
Sharks are immune to all known diseases.
There are more than 150 million sheep in
Fun Facts About
Imagine if fully welded rails of għan train track were not restrained properly in a hot outback desert day they would expand and the
Star gazing: under ideal viewing conditions in the Australian outback, the naked eye can detect about 5780 stars, I counted them one night when I had nothing better to do .........???
Sydney Opera House roof weighs more than 161,000 tones.
Termite Mounds is the highest non-human constructions on earth.
Cynics among us say it is called that because it is what visitors do when they see the bill ...
If you think that any of these fun facts about Australia, are outdated or just wrong, do not crucify me, just let me know and I will fix it and if you know anything more fun facts about Australia, or have a funny story about Australia, let me know that everything and I will add it in the meantime ........... enjoy.
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