Monday, June 21, 2010

What to Expect at Your First Ballroom Dance Lesson

What to expect on your first Ballroom Dance Lesson

If you are new to ballroom dancing, you might be a little scared coming to your first lesson at a dance studio. Exactly what happens? How difficult must it be? Who will be your instructor? What do you use? Many questions will run through your head. Here is some information to help you prepare.

When you arrive at the studio you are greeted by the studio manager and introduced to your instructor. In each of the Fred Astaire Dance Studios are teachers with experience in teaching beginning students through advanced dancers. Your instructor will soon feel at home in the studio environment.

You will be asked if you dance in the short term goals, such as an upcoming event or holiday, and what kind of music or dance styles you want. If you are unsure what specific you want to try dancing, your teacher chooses a few for you.

Do not worry if you do not already have dance experience, and each figure will be divided into very basic, natural movement. Under the guidance of your instructor teaches never felt too fast or too slow and boring. It will go at your own pace.

By the end of your first lesson, you'll probably be amazed how easy it was to get down and you'll have a few dance steps in the dances.

If you are alone, you get all the time with you â € œeasy-to-dance-dance right €? teacher. If you participate as a couple, your instructor to each of your responsibility as a leader and succeed, so you can succeed as a team on the dance floor.

You should wear comfortable clothing for easy movement. Dressing in layers is a good idea, because as the session progresses, you get hot, just like any other exercise. You must wear shoes that fit your feet â € "ladies sandals and sandals are not good choices and rubber soles tend to stick to the floor. So it is best to wear either a leather shoe or ideally a ballroom dance shoes with suede soles. If you are a woman, usually a high heel when you go out, we suggest a similar heel height of your class to contribute.

Dance shoes are not necessary your first lesson, but if you want to shop early, we recommend you find and visit a local dance shoe store. They will help you get a pair of shoes to choose someone suitable started in ballroom dancing.

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