Friday, July 2, 2010

Coaching for Coaches - I'm Afraid I'll Get Ripped Off!

I attended a retreat for buses not so long ago, only to mention the fear of getting ripped off to hear. The concern was about stepping up to invest in a coaching program which requires a significant investment of money and the message was something like "I'm afraid I would invest in a $ 10,000 or more coaching program and get gypped, just one bunch of hot air sold. "Without the irony of a coach who is anxious to ripped through a bus, the conversation sent me thinking about the underlying fear.

Here's the thing ...... Energy follows thought. If you want bang idea that you cheated, you expect to go into the program looking for, what fear is. At least in part, you get what you expect. Bang, hold back from full commitment to and will ultimately cheated of their own actions. Here are some suggestions to keep the accident happens:

* Check your fear. Have you actually heard of anyone getting ripped off at a higher price class coaching program? My bet is that the care described a way to stop you from introducing a program that will by definition be demanding and get you out of your comfort zone.

* Are you secretly think you will not follow and hence will not? It is difficult to comply honest times. It is much easier to find the cause of the failure of the other person to continue.

* Would you invest in the program and an open heart and open mind to go? If you show with dubious energy, your ears pick up every little thing that you can identify as a hole in the program. You get much more out of it if your ears are open to picking up every opportunity available to you.

* Is afraid of success in your way? What will happen when your business increases by 50%, or double or triple? If you've struggled as a coach, making four or five low numbers, what will he do to your life to push this income substantially? Will it balance of power in your relationships? Would you step in other ways (hire a virtual assistant, an accounting, housekeeping)? Are you secretly afraid you can not cope so successfully?

* Do you consider yourself worthy? If you are not willing to invest in yourself as a coach, why would you expect a customer to invest in you? You can tell "Obviously, I'm worth." But if you do not want to deposit money, you do not really believe.

The point is that as a coach would recommend a potential customer you from what you put in. You usually get what you expect. Why would you sabotage yourself appear anxious and doubtful? It is not only energy to growth again, is it? Would you want your customer to approach working with you this way?

Personal and professional development that is deep enough that your company at a much higher level that will push the comfort zone, asking you to look at the world differently than you do now, and requires you to switch on new knowledge and activities you have never done. Prepare yourself for big games takes a leap of faith. You do not know all the answers about every detail in the program in advance, if you can not exactly tell a client where the coaching will take her. My best advice to coaches who want their game to the coaching to introduce themselves in the belief that many good things happen instead of fear that the program will not be what you think it should be. Release the need to know and control because it limits the growth. If you dream and desire to play just as a coach, find a program that makes you a little nervous, and jump in. This is a fantastic opportunity for the faith in yourself and others in practice.

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