Money Frogs are one of the most popular fang shun symbols. This charm can pull material well-being in a home.
In Chinese culture, including a toad symbolizes immortality. Money plays an important role in our lives, so it is worth learning to use this amulet to attract wealth.
The fang shun toad has three legs. Normally it would keep 1 or 3 coins in his mouth, which is a Chinese symbol of prosperity. Sometimes the creature will not have any coins in his mouth, but it will have a slit in it where you can insert a coin. These small frogs money can even be from a bank note with your own two hands.
The toads can be purchased in fang shun talisman stores. These symbols are sold in a variety of colors and materials. When you choose a talisman for yourself, remember that the more the frog looks like a real one of the better. As we have mentioned above, the main point is to ensure that it has three legs instead of two or four. The best symbol is the one made of yellow shiny metal that looks like gold, or that there really is gold.
How this money symbol correct? This amulet can be placed in one of the few places in your home. A good location is in the room. In the room, put it in the left corner diagonally to the door. This is the so-called "power corner". It may also be near the front door to create the impression that it is to jump into your home. It can also be located in a fountain with moving water in your favorite sector, which will also increase your money luck. The main point is to place money frogs are inside the house, and not the other way around.
Fang Shun money frogs should not be placed in the bathroom, kitchen or bedroom. In the bedroom, it will fall asleep in the kitchen, it will be too hot, and in the bathroom, it will soak in the tranquil yin energy and relax instead of bringing good luck and money for you.
If you own a house with a backyard where toads live, treat them respectfully and kindly. According to an ancient Chinese belief, a frog family living in the backyard will bring prosperity. According to the Chinese, was toad vicious and vindictive in the first place? But one day the Buddha came, conquered it and dedicated it to helping people. Ever since then, it is essentially paying for the inconvenience that it used to cause, by spitting out gold coins to people.
Where you place the toad (zone of money, health, love, etc.), it will activate the exact zone. The money frog is just a symbol of prosperity. If you do not believe what the mascot will not work. So try to think of this good little creature, and you'll soon see positive changes in your finances. There are many more good improvements, which you can do yourself with fang shun.
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