Friday, April 16, 2010

Dieting with regular exercise study in fitness

Role of excerise to loose weight, best dieting plans to loose weight, importance of exercise and dieting for weight loss are some of the information which health conscious and over weight people always try to get. However as per a new study, at Oregon Health & Science University it has been found that combination of exercise and dieting together gives best results for weight loss.
In the study conducted, it was found thay weight loss through dieting alone does not have significant weight reduction. However when combines with proper exercise, it leads to significantly weight loss. Judy Cameron, Senior scientist in the study stated on achieving goal of weight loss after the study, "diet and exercise must be combined to achieve this goal".
In the stdudy on the role of dieting and exercise in weight loss, 18 female monkeys were selected for the study. There were given fat rich diet for couple of years. After that the monkeys were given normal monkey diet with 30 percent less calories. It was found that despite giving less calorie food for one month, there was not significant reduction in weights in monkey. Dr. Sullivan found that "Surprisingly, there was no significant weight loss at the end of the month."
Surpriseingly, calories in the food were further reduced and after second month it was found that physical activity level reduced significantly.
To analyse the role of exercise in weight loss, three monkey were put for treamill exercise for one hour daily and were fed normal moneky diet. It was found that these monkeys have lost weight significantly after one month.
Observing the significance of weight loss on normal diet and exercise, Dr. Cameron said, "This study demonstrates that there is a natural body mechanism which conserves energy in response to a reduction in calories. Food is not always plentiful for humans and animals and the body seems to have developed a strategy for responding to these fluctuations."


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