Effective teaching and learning are against drive-thru mentality of our culture broadcasts. K12 teachers in learning to walk-on in their classes are catching students' attention with innovative strategies and engaging material. My intention with this article is to equip educators with three easy to implement strategies. I have used them, and so have thousands of other successful teachers. But putting them into service without laying the foundations ratios will not do much good.
I have traveled into successful careers, covering business and education. Both efforts have unique and special fund characteristics, the qualities that can make or break success. Let us take a minute to review what needs to be put into practice to have learning opportunities show up - wherever your classroom is located or what topic is being discussed. To review current research on the ideas covered here, you can browse the resources on education Reporting ™.
Institute Characteristic # 1
OAR is an important tool for teaching. It is the tool that allows you to guide your lesson, measurement of knowledge transfer - learning and making adjustments along the way. It is true that each teacher has their style of an oar, but all teachers, new and experienced, to use a vein each day. Let us define its characteristics.
Purpose: This is derived from the curriculum standards set forth by your district. The learning goal must be clearly visible to students in the class.
Activities and assessments: The activity has students working in small groups for specific tasks with the necessary materials. The assessment is presented using a box and reviewed with the class before the task work activity has begun.
Resources: There are the materials needed to perform an activity.
Institute Characteristic # 2
An effective teacher harness the undeniable power of student collaboration: students who participate in well-defined activities that are actively monitored by the teacher through a structured classroom techniques. This collaboration is the perfect tool for learning because students can apply or practice what they study. For example, talking about how to add specific measurements less meaningful than using a co-student activity to determine how much paint is required to cover the classroom walls. Another example, read about the history exhibit less attention than students through an activity to design a radio show or play to act out certain segments of historical events. Classroom activities require students to pay attention and participate in order to be successful.
Institute Characteristic # 3
Effective teachers excel at the appropriate action (s) to build up experience, communicate directly, and listen while they also make a sincere effort to reflect on their teaching practices. It is easy to get caught in the drama of a class session. But taking a few minutes during lunch or at the end of class time to jot down some words or phrases, may be enough to capture the shocking reminders that help you decipher what worked and what did not work. This kind of action: the use of wisdom gained from today's lesson for tomorrow's lesson shows a blue-ribbon practices that Fortune 100 companies pay big-dollar consultants to teach their employees. In the education world, the "active teacher research" and looks very good on your professional development plan.
I have spoken with hundreds of teachers who are bored by what they do, but it is no surprise to me. They will not stop regurgitating dusty lessons. All over the internet you can find lesson sites are sprouting as weeds. They boast tons of free lessons on every topic under the moon. Personally, I think they are just a waste of time. I am a great fan of local teachers to help each other. If your school does not have a professional learning community (PLC) and start one. I think the brightest light lever to improve student performance are teachers share their wisdom with each other. You can find extensive PLC information here. After all, if we want students to collaborate, we must also cooperate.
Strategy # 1: Always and often connect learning with life.
Successful teachers have a lesson that promotes creativity.
There is a rhythm to teach, to be followed. It is comparable with a map. First you need to arouse students' curiosity and you must give opportunities to turn off this curiosity. When this happens, students become familiar with to find solutions - quench their thirst. That trust is necessary for two reasons: 1) it naturally builds student interest, and 2) its construction scaffolding to reach the learning goals. Listen as creativity expert Ken Robinson discussing "Are schools killing students' creativity?" As teachers, we must show our own creativity to the students, because like it or not, we're role models. To understand this in a 21st century context Watch Richardson talk about social media use in classrooms and training. This article in a newspaper
Uncover links between community, school, and living.
Engaged students understand the connection between what is studied in the classroom and the world outside school. Help them to connect these points by constantly formulating correlations between class and life. There are a couple ways to do this: 1) talking about how every situation in life, are correct procedures and / or behavior and 2) relate to a specific idea you are discussing in class how this idea is used to achieve success in life. A few ideas for you to explore to substantiate these points:
A. Explore the dimensions of the social and emotional variables in learning CASELLE.
B. Check out Robert Lang, as he discusses using origami to teach mathematics.
C. Consider integrate service learning because it is taking root in schools across the
Prize virtue of perseverance.
All students struggle at some point. There is nothing wrong with discussing how to be more motivated individual. At least the students when they travel is not recommended, pointing to how it happens in life too. You may want to show this video or just watch it yourself, it is Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love) dreamy to foster creativity. More than once I've had a student ask me: "What can I do?" Now you have a five-star resource for the answer, just take a look at the Giraffe House Project.
Refine a lesson by installing one or more character education ideas. Vandel simply means to be ethical, responsible and caring. These values are all people in countries around the world share. In education, it can address issues of student absenteeism, discipline problems, drug abuse, gang violence and teen pregnancy. You can easily send these eleven character education principals in your class. Another good resource is Partnerships in Character Education, a government sponsored website.
Strategy # 2: purposefully create critical thinking in your students.
Recognition of quality thinking strategies when students express' me.
Before school starts (on a sticky note to write 2 or 3 words to think behavior s) you want to recognize today. So, the place where you can glance at it often. A note to verbally recognize students in each class, when they do that behavior. Why? This sets a tone for learning. It builds mutual respect. I think the most important it shows you are aware. To learn more about what critical thinking is and understand doable strategies you can explore K12 resources on critical thinking organization.
Encourage student responsibility for fuel lessons.
There are two types of potential liability. One is a social responsibility and the other is individual responsibility. Behavior in class is clearly an individual responsibility, and that must be treated by custom and classroom techniques. As your teaching skills develop, you should use more student activities rather than long lectures, worksheets, or IT. In group work the dynamic of the responsibility is unconvincing. Students want everyone to pull their load of work so that students begin to actively support all group members to attend, which is reinforced, with your active surveillance of groups.
Expand the boundaries of your teaching skills.
Tackle new teaching tools and methods to improve your teaching. In the Journal of Experiential Education, you can connect with organizations and gain hands-on teaching ideas. I like the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (Circle) website because it has research and contacts involved in service learning. When you explore Integrative Learning website, you will get ideas for improvement of students across the curriculum to learn to associate professional, personal and community life. Carnegie Foundation funded several projects that result in Inside Teaching - a site that offers teacher perspectives and resources on the art of teaching.
Strategy # 3: Foster curiosity in each lesson.
Encourage student participation.
Here are two quick techniques I have used hundreds of times in order to improve participation. Firstly start a class discussion by asking a question or two. Next, give students a chance to speak to the issue themselves in pairs in two minutes. Congratulations, you have purposefully set up each student with something to share, so now invite the students one by one - to share. Be sure to acknowledge each response as a contribution - there are no wrong answers. There is a potent site for learning about teaching with the study here. At Edutopia you find an informative article on cooperative learning.
Etch at least one activity in class per session.
A particular skill for all career choices students make is to be able to work and communicate with other people. I think my classroom activities where students work in small groups that precious time to prepare students with the lifelong learner skills. Project based learning is an excellent method to invoke the collaborative (aqua cooperative) learning. To see a real example of active, used and open, and collaborative learning in action visit the Giver Talley TED presentation.
Students today are leaders of tomorrow, so make sure they get a few peeps on what comes.
Bring the future in your class today. Remind students that they will be inventing and leading the future holds power 'is everything you can "to everyone's doorstep. A simple way to achieve this is current events. What do _______ (fill in the blank from what you are studying) see the future? Seriously, twenty or even ten years ago, who would have guessed that the technology will play an important role in education? Today, the Swiss designer new technology just for schools - read about it here. Stephen Hawking, one of the great scientists of our time, says people starting a new phase of development. Maybe students will improve performance through their genes, as the picture perfect memory is in itself in each person according to the latest news.
To conclude, if anything I have said does not work for you, so I have one last proposal to blow creativity into your teaching. Read Richard loud. He writes and speaks compellingly about the dilemma that digital students whose lives - he has supported research - are being electronically hijacked. Yes, if all else fails connect your students to be outdoors. I can testify to the power of his ideas from the club's sponsorship I finished volunteering high school students.
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