Thursday, April 15, 2010

Female Muslim Sexologist On TV

A female Muslim sexologist Heber Kolb named now has a television program called "Big Talk", where the brave pioneers discussing sex in as normal and healthy way, which she can dare her to gear part of the world.

A conservative Muslim himself, the indomitable Egyptian lady fact Muslims are talking about such taboo ideas such as sexual positions, female orgasm and oral sex, as she says it is allowed "because there is no religious text prohibiting it."

Her program has apparently been talking about her sexually veiled society. She has in fact to be even more popular than Al Qaeda, as usually represented by a madman or ranting about murdering innocent people as a perverse form of persuasion proved.

"It's a beautiful thing what she does," commented Abider El-Barbary, a woman who is a psychotherapist and a faculty member at the American University in Cairo. "It is a long overdue topic tastefully done."

Let us wish her good luck. When sex is a part of the discussion, it appears that an order to "make love, not war" may have, even in the Middle East, a huge opportunity.

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