Tuesday, March 16, 2010

5 Ways to Pick the College of Your Dreams

When you are on the way to school, this is the place you want to be spending the next four years of your life living, studying and making new friends. With thousands of schools to choose from, you may find it difficult to choose the one that is right for you. So when it comes to making a final decision, it is really about how you will feel the most comfortable. Use these five ways to help you choose the school that best suits your personal needs and desires.

Class Size

Everyone has a different learning style, and while some thrive regardless of how many people are in their classes, others need smaller classes to get right to the attention to promote learning. It's not only about the size of each class either. It may be more the size of the college in general. If you feel the need to be part of a tight-knit community with small classes, so you might consider smaller private schools. If big city living is more your style, and class size is not a problem for you so that larger colleges and universities may be right up your alley.

Location, Location, Location

It is important to remember that the college you select is located in a city or geographic area of the country. The community surrounding the college is as important as the campus itself, because you'll have to live and work outside of campus. How close a group, to your hometown or where you have family, weather and geographic area in the country where college is located, are all factors involved in decision making.

Academic Programs

While most colleges and universities offer similar academic programs, you should ensure that the schools you are considering offering the research you are interested in. There are schools that are rated higher than others for certain fields of study, so it is something Second, you 'all want to consider when auditing academic programs. For example, if you want to study international business then you might consider those schools that have the most graduates in the U.S. from the college of business.

Campus Life

College life is not only about the academic programs offered and how many graduate from their classrooms each year. The College is also on some activities, social events and clubs that constitute the social side of college life. If you are a competitive swimmer, you can consider schools that have swim teams that you can test for. If you are a movie buff so it may be important to you that there is an on-campus theater.

Comfort and Safety Level

Before taking a final decision on which school you want to participate, visit each campus. You can take a guided tour with a peer advocate or walk on campus alone with your parents. Pay close attention to how you feel during your visit. Do you feel comfortable and safe as you would fit right in? Can you see yourself living in the community, going to classes and participate in college life that surrounds you? Your comfort level with the college will play an important role in the decision you make.

Each college has its advantages and disadvantages associated with participating in it. When you compare schools, be sure to use these methods to help you create a list of your own advantages and disadvantages of each institution. The school, which has all or most of the characteristics that are important enough that you end up participating. Ultimately, when you find the school that is right for you, you know.

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