Sunday, March 14, 2010

How To Be Successful In MLM- Are You In A Vampire Network

Many people in network marketing desire to know how to be successful in MLM. In fact, with attrition so high, finding success is not always easy.

Many people are not aware that asking a simple question can greatly increase their chance of success? The question is quite simple. It is to ask if they are in a vampire network. Read on to discover what a vampire network is.

-Vampire network question # 1: What is a vampire network? A vampire network is always out for new blood. It is a business that is constantly pushing dealers to build a huge downline. There is no real thing, and people would not participate if there was a business opportunity associated with it. Recruitment is important, but it spells bad news if it is the primary focus.

-Vampire network question # 2: Are there any retail products or are they just garage qualified? Of course, all continue to seek new leadership to grow and evolve, but not to the point where no retailing of products occurs. There must be a balance.

-Vampire network question # 3: Where is the focus? If the focus is only on recruiting, and you get paid just to recruit, this is vampire network.

-Vampire network question # 4: What is the price of the product? Is it a competitive price? Is the product price being inflated? Remember that only a few companies manufacture products for most MLM companies. Inflated prices occur when a company's products are very high, and the same product can be found with another company for far less. Plus, if you can find the product at places like Wal-Mart, Costco, Safeway, on Ebay, etc., this spells problems for distributors. Who can compete against Wal-Mart? When it comes to how to succeed in MLM, is associated with a company like this will make success difficult.

-Vampire network question # 5: What benefits are people doing? A profit is simply the difference between wholesale and retail price of a product. If distributors only get 3%, 5%, 7%, etc. of the wholesale profit, they will need many, many people to build a good income. Many people more than likely means a couple thousand or more. Ouch! Vampire network!

-Vampire network question # 6: How much overhead and hear the company? For some, it sounds strange but it is important to consider. The less overhead, it can be more a company put in a compensation plan for distributors.

-Vampire network question # 7: Are bonuses paid? Do people have to go through so many tests, only the top 1% of the population is qualified? This is especially important to consider because most people in MLM are part-timers. If almost no one ever justified, where does the money go? If people are looking at how to succeed in MLM, think about this very carefully.

-Vampire network question # 8: Will people buy the product if there was no business opportunity associated with it? The question always ask if the recruiting stopped for some time, it would still be in business? If there is no true product still plenty of recruiting going on, it is an illegal pyramid scheme.

So to answer the question of how to succeed in MLM, think carefully about the above issues. If some people do not like their answers, it means they could very well be in a vampire network where success will be very difficult. Choose to be part of a company where you can build it big for your children and your grandchildren.

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