Sunday, March 14, 2010

Making the Email Subscription Process Easier

With so many companies vying for their time and with so many e-mail is received, it is not easy to capture the subscriber's undivided attention. To stand out from the crowd, and could be distinguished from among barrage of other emails, companies should strive to make their communications easily and quickly, because light is always more attractive than hard. And easy to read, is what gained popularity in Google Adwords, Turbo Tax and others in the market for electronic communications.

You must have heard that old expression that says that "It is easier said than done". Well, that's exactly how it is when they try to make things easier for each subscriber. After everything is easy for some, might not be so easy for others and vice versa. Make it easy for new customers is particularly difficult.

It is extremely important to keep e-mail address simply by creating a link to opt-in form and in all promotional e-mail and e-newsletter. Likewise, e-mail address links included on every page of its website, and a "Send to a friend" link. At times when images are blocked because of poor Internet connections, each button should be recognizable and descriptive label, ie, "Buy Now", "Subscribe Here", "Submit", and so on.

Subscriptions must be made simpler and easier to organize email-IDs, links, sign up forms, posting information on each page, and of course, all e-mail have the "Subscribe" link which will entice the reader with its easy and comfortable rooms. Any action, whether that action may be, should require minimal steps. According to a serious study which markets reduced the process of drawing from nine steps to three experienced an increase of three hundred percent in the subscription rate.

Opt-in forms should collect enough personal information to marketers to match it more relevant emails. But for much-needed personal information may also be a deterrent for reluctant readers. The mandatory fields on the opt-in forms should be marked with a star, while all other areas should be visibly marked as "optional".

Opt-in forms will include a "reset" or "Reload" button for the reader who wishes to make changes. Furthermore, there should be an easy way to set a password with a link for retrieving the password if it is forgotten. Such links should be easily visible on each page of the website and on all e-mail and e-newsletter.

To ensure that company email stand out from all the other emails, the sender will be recognized at a glance and subject line must be conspicuous. All emails must be text and HTML-based and includes the Web version of the email. All emails must be printable, or allow a printer friendly version to be opened with a single mouse click.

To avoid apparently unprofessional and frustrating receivers and readers to each link is tested prior to dispatch. Companies must anticipate their readers' expectations and everything they could, or perhaps want to be within arm's length. Many marketers choose to renounce the "Unsubscribe" option, but it is a grave mistake that will cost them their readers' confidence. As a fact that the "opt-out or unsubscribe should be as accessible as is the ability to opt-in.

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