I'm about to find out a topic for an anthropology dissertation, more specifically in forensic anthropology. Although I am quite sure what I will do, I am interested in getting the views of others in areas where they believe research gaps. With a bit of luck, my thoughts will be among the areas being proposed!
I am particularly interested in your thoughts in the fields of forensic anthropology, bioarchaeology, and human osteology to write my social anthropology thesis. Not so much pale anthropology (unless it comes Amahs, and then maybe it could be useful).
As for research on sex determination / aging ... I think it is imperative to keep testing the methods and finding ways to isolated bones. This can help keep the methods fresh and constantly make improvements to them. Furthermore, the isolated bones methods in use in trying to identify unknown remains or help un-blended mix continues.
That said, I still do not really want to do it for a thesis topic. Like you said, not very original.
That is why I try to see if others have noticed areas lacking the necessary information. I have done literature reviews (especially Journal of Forensic Sciences and American Journal of Physical Anthro. To find the topics that I feel need more information, but sometimes others see things that a person can miss out on your own.
Do you have any specific areas that you noticed?
The answers to my questions I have received is as follows:
Often theses are based on improvements and gaps in research that has already been implemented. Although it can get your degree, it is safe ... and boring. Unfortunately, much of the research can be performed in forensic anthropology is the kind of improvement-based research. I have read many papers, theses, etc. on the new (and obscure) ways to age, sex, etc., a skeleton. This thing can already be done. I do not care if the sphenoid may be used for age determination (which I do not think it can, but you get points).
I suggest that you sit down, pretend that you are a child and consider the mysteries of the field. Find something that has hardly been touched ... or think of new ways to interpret things. My mentor once told me that what he likes most about the new students is that they have not been destroyed by the field. If you find an item you really passionate about it will make research so much easier.
I want more research on different local agricultural technologies, including use of the Egyptian Nile Delta and examples of relatively high standard of living, which complemented the natural world.
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