Sunday, February 28, 2010

An Experience Of Oneness As We Go Through Midlife

Last year, a friend of mine had a rare privilege to visit India to a place called the Oneness University. They were invited to live in silence, and he was there in 21 days. The easiest thing he could say about the whole experience is that it took him out of his mind. Every day, they were being overwhelmed with an energy transfer called as Deeksha (but it is now known as the Oneness Blessing.) He began to let herself enjoy things instead of analyzing them, he finds that practice simpler and easier than ever before. It is a great thing for him to this day, he discovered that living in a state of Oneness is absolutely a gift of grace.

The first step is unity with yourself, then with each other, and then with the flora and fauna and the life that surrounds us, and eventually, with everything that is, or God himself. My friend actually invites us to know and research into Oneness Movement and to see and experience for ourselves this phenomenon. Or at least begin to take note of where you live in separation is not me, and me that your and my syndrome. We go through several stages of spiritual growth as we move through our Midlife. Oftentimes, that we learn to go from being a victim, to be fully responsible and accountable to manifest our lives.

So we begin to learn to surrender to something greater than ourselves, but totally part of ourselves. You may notice that even when one begins to ask, there are times that there is still the sense that there is life in God, and who is your life somewhere else ... For years, it still happens. But with each realization, insight, or spiritual revelation, you have examples of being aware or conscious life of God that surrounds you, that the life of God himself who is in you, the personal feeling of a life away from God begins to reduce , life, God is everywhere and everywhere is your life.

The last phase or stage of spiritual growth is one that not many people discuss about, because it is one that we reach only a brief glance. This is the stage of spiritual growth, as the ancient mystics called Unitive Way and enlightened masters called a state of Oneness. To move from the 3rd level to 4, we just have to give up and surrender our sense of separation ... a personal sense of a life away from God. We need to get into a much larger condition of being ness. So in that sense, segregation, to move in that condition that feeling of separation begins to remove.

Now this phase is very important because it is very possible to have a real surrender to freedom and escape from the presence of God when you have a double significance. My friend had the privilege of sharing the Oneness Blessing every week, and he noticed that the more he allowed himself to receive, the more incredible his experience at Midlife is.

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