Sunday, February 28, 2010

Training Injury Free

Remaining injury free is of utmost importance for all people who exercise, but especially to those who are over thirty five years old. Can a person lose fat and gain muscle while sitting on the couch recovering from an injury they incurred while training? The answer is no. The reason for my clients to achieve outstanding results is because they continue to diet and exercise uninterrupted by injury. In this article I will share some techniques I used successfully educate customers at high intensity without injury. I take pride in the fact that none of my clients have been seriously injured while training for over twenty years of practicing my art. Stretching is very important for injury prevention. I use basic stretches both upper and lower body to get my client's bodies prepared for intense physical stress. Stretching increases muscle circulation and prepare the tendons, ligaments and joints for the work to be done.Warming up is also important for injury prevention. I always have my clients perform their first set of a body part with a light weight for high repetitions, this increases the circulation in the area we are working and preparing for tendons, ligaments and joints for the more intense work comes.

When it comes to the Nitty Gritty of actual high-intensity work, one of the secrets of my success in keeping the mine unharmed clients is that I avoid real movement through predetermined ranges of motion. I favor using dumbbells over barbells and machines almost every time. Dumbbells allow a trainee to use more natural range of motion in all pressing movements such as chest presses and shoulder presses. For example, instead of doing shoulder presses with a fixed barbell or machine, I prefer using dumbbells, it allows a trainee to make small adjustments in the exercise form to prevent excessive stress damaged tissue. A customer with a micro-injury, a shoulder, for example, can usually comfortably do dumbbell press even at high intensity without problems, even when the barbell or machine shoulder presses this is impossible because of pain. The barbell or machine, often forcing the trainee to use an unnatural range of proposals which may cause injury or aggravate injuries that already exist.

Many of my friends and acquaintances have harmed themselves doing heavy barbell bench presses for chest. I myself have long since have just about quit using barbells and machines all over the body to work as a strategy to avoid injury. I am forty one years old and is still able to train at a very high level without free from harm. It is my wish that this article is to benefit all who read it, in their quest for greater health, vitality and wellbeing.

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