Friday, February 19, 2010

10 Dance Career Tips From Professional Dancers

Dance career can be hard to jump-start, so why not listen to some advice from professional dancers? Last weekend, we had some additions to our usual group of friends, professional dancers. After we got over our initial feelings of awe, we began to talk about their dance careers. we have always been fascinated by how people rise to the top of their profession. Professional athletes, movie stars and bands, they all have a unique story, but there is usually some key similarities. This article describes the basic things you must do to start your career in dance to become a professional dancer. Now you have a little bit of luck, good timing and connections as well, but you could get anyone to even get a Big Mac at your local McDonalds. Natural talent is a good base, but it will not take you to the top. You have to nurture that talent, develop it and present it to the right people. This article will show you the basics. Some are more obvious than others. Most of you just need some reassurance that you are taking the right steps to achieve your goal, while others have no idea where to start. We believe that not all people in the "know" is in possession of talent they need, and not all people with talent, is in the "know". we want to change it, so let us begin!

1. People do not become professionals in something by reading a few articles or practice a couple hours a week. They become students of their profession. Students go to school. This applies to professional dancers also. Now there are a select few that are pushing themselves on their own and have developed a fantastic ability, but it is still not enough. Their talent is raw and unrefined. No matter how many years you've practiced in your basement, all need some formal training. Nothing can replace a veteran dancer shows you right from wrong, criticize you and encourage you. Start by going to the dance studio. Obviously, the sooner you do, the better. You will rack up experience and the younger one is more prone you are to learn. A good rule of thumb, the bigger the better Dance Studio dance professionals. But a good teacher with experience, but also a relationship with their student. This relationship can be forged on smaller, local dance studios also. Remember, this is only the beginning. There are many professionals who recalled a class teacher who has influenced them most. Of course it was probably some Julliard professor that trained them all, but the person who taught them passion and desire is usually someone they met earlier in their dancing career.

2. Dance camps and other supplementary dance institutions is a good way to increase your exposure to different aspects of the dance industry. You'll network, learn techniques and be exposed to different teachers and performances. Going outside your comfort zone is a great way to build independence, character and a sense of responsibility as a dancer.

3. When you graduate high school, you will want to go to college. This decision must be well designed. You come to trust them with your training, which will play a significant role in life after college. As an aspiring, professional dancer, you will want to participate in the most prestigious dance school you can find. Try to find an accredited dance school, but at least no dance school is better than none. Be sure to start planning before it is time to apply, as long as before. You should start your research on dance schools, while still in high school. Find out what requirements they are looking for in a dancer. Do whatever you can to better your chances of being accepted.

By the end of your formal education, you should if you have not already, can narrow down your dance techniques to a few select, specialized styles. You have to seek out the best dance teacher (s) you can find in these styles and train train train. Like any profession, it is about education and a professional dancer, you never stop learning and practice. Again, if you are serious and want to advance in your dancing career, at this point, you need an expert, a real professional dance teacher.

4. Next tip is something we wrote about before. You need a good head and body shots, and for that you need a good photographer. See our article, "4 Tips for great actor Headshots, on talent goldmine for more information on what you need a good portfolio. Yes, it is about the actor headshots, but there are some valid and transferred tips for dancers as well. It is important to remember for your body image as a dancer is that you must take pictures of yourself in different Dancewear. Do not wear flashy jewelry, use light or shadows to create illusions, or distract the observer with a complex and interesting background. You should be in focus and subject of interest, nothing else. Good pictures can really help you further your dancing career by grabbing the attention of those who will look at you.

5. At this point, you should already have been for smaller dance auditions and castings, just to get your feet wet, and a kind of experience, but now you're ready for some serious work ... and it is working. Do not forget that this is your job, your profession. This new level of dancing may come as a shock or seem like foreign territory, but you must believe that you are good enough to be here. You are good enough to be here. This is a higher standard. It will be different. It would be difficult, but it is what makes it so much greater when you succeed. You've come this far. This is what you've been training, and others have found potential in you enough to accept and educate you. You belong here. The more of these hearings and the casting call you participate, the more comfortable you will become.

6. These networks and people skills you picked up during your day at dance camp and the college will now come into play. You are in the deep end of the pool now, playing with the big kids. Time to meddle and make new friends. You have to start talking to the professional dancers go into the studio halls during your dance audition. Talk with other dancers who are auditioning. Talk to the judges, casting directors, agents, anyone who will talk to you. Ask them questions, pick their brain and learn from their stories. Even if they do not answer your question, their behavior, demeanor and the way to talk to you, teach you something. The best you can do is become friends with some success.

7. You must be fairly comfortable with the audition now, and ready to begin searching for a dance agent, or a dance agency. You will likely need to perform a dance routine for them to be accepted, but when you are in you will be given the opportunity that you would otherwise not know existed. These agents dance and dance agencies Get the scoop on dance auditions and casting calls, try your best to be represented by one. When you're in, your dance career take wing. But this is no time to take it easy and coast on through. Now it's time to step it up.

8. Back to what we said before, "... you never stop learning and practice." Well, it's time to train train train. Practice makes perfect, we know you've heard before. This intensive training period not to learn new styles, as it could have been on before. This dance training will focus on honing your existing skills and techniques down to a sharp, crisp point. You must be awesome at what you do, not mediocre in a wide range of areas. A professional dancer to be on top of their particular area not float in the middle across the board. You have plenty of time later to expand your horizons, but for now you need a job so you can gain valuable experience ... and money. Also, stop and take a breath. Look around, you become a dancer, and your dance career began to take shape. Enjoy it!

9. When you think you are ready, and not wait too long at this point, begins to investigate some choreographers, you would like to work with or train with the student. Most dance choreographers will offer dance classes at their own dance studios. You have to wait so long before you try to train with a professional dance choreographer, because they are just that, professionals. Dance choreographers will only work with the best dancers, so you have to be at a certain point in your dance career for them to take interest in you. There are many benefits to working with a dance choreographer. You become comfortable with the way this aspect of the dance industry works. They will start to recognize you and maybe throw a little work on your way. You will also be updated and trained in the most current dance techniques and trends. The fewer things that surprised you during a dance audition better.

10. By the end of all this is an important thing to remember that normally separates those who make it and those who do not. If this is indeed what you want, and you've dreamed about it all your life, never stop trying. Every successful person in the world have one thing in common. They were tireless in their pursuit of happiness. If you want to get the most out of your dance career, it will take a lot of hard work, so do not become discouraged. You get rejected. Everyone does. Being a dancer is not easy for anyone, but people do it. Why not?

These tips are not set in stone or in any way in the exact order. Everyone is different and some people can jump forward or start one step later in their careers. The important thing is that you have a clear plan with goals and you work hard to achieve them.

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