Monday, February 22, 2010

Develop A Magnetic Personality And Become Irresistible To Women

So you want a boyfriend ...

Well if theres anything that makes getting a girlfriend easy is it to have a magnetic personality.The only problem is how you develop it? Read on to find out what it's all about.

The good thing about having a magnetic personality is that when you have it, there is typically no need to chase women ... instead women come to you ... Thats why they called it a "magnetic" personality.

A magnetic personality is expressed yourself is so fun, exciting and valuable, people naturally become attracted to you, and of course will be around you.

When it comes to having a magnetic personality, the best is ... you can develop it so that you are ... not something you do. Once you've done your magnetic personality, a "part" of you, you do not need to "try" to be cool or attractive, in reality there is no "try" at all ... it literally comes to the point where you attract women and relationships by just doing what you will of course do ... there is no thought or effort involved.

Actually, once you have a magnetic personality, the results of social success, popularity, find friends, get a girlfrined ... all becomes an afterthought!

Sounds good to you?

I bet it does!

So the burning question is ... how can we create a magnetic personality?

To understand how to create yourself a magnetic personality, you must first understand a concept I call "social self" ... or the person you use to "socialize" with.

Now, what I think about it?

Well let me ask you, what is the point of socialization? What is the point of saying, sitting in a cafe with a friend to chat?

Well the answer is simple ... to have fun.

That's right ... having fun

The whole point of socialization is ultimately to enjoy the moment and have fun (or even more important to stimulate the emotions as it is "fun" really is, and I will be covering this in another post).

Therefore, what I call "social self" could really be called your "funny self" or your "amusing himself".

If you think about it, the more comfortable you are with women ... the more women want to be with you ... which is what charisma is ultimately!

Have you?

The good thing about radiation is that you attract girls, popularity, admiration and respect, without necessarily referring to something ... it is, you get it all without relying on:

High social status


Good looks

Physical prowess

Academic, work or athletic performance (or any other form of performance)

This means you can be an unemployed bum with almost no money ... and still manages to attract more female friends than you can handle (and yes I have friends in that position!) But more importantly, you can always develop your personal magnetism no matter what situation you are currently ... which basically means that there are no excuses!

So the question becomes how we develop our "social self"? ... How are we fun, exciting and enjoyable person in social situations that others just love to be with?

Well, to answer this question, we need to go back to our scenario in the coffee bar of you are sitting with a friend, just chatting.

Once again, in every social situation is the whole point of interaction to have fun ... and the more value you give to social interaction, the greater attraction, popularity, admiration and respect that you want to create.

The whole point here is this aspect of the value.

This is what one should strive for when you're in a social situation ... to give value. Because the more value you give, the more you receive.

I call this social value for an interaction.

Now all sounds very simple ... because it is! It just takes time to learn how to implement ...

In order to develop your personal magnetism, seek to engage in so many interactions that you can, and strives to continuously add social value or "fun" value of interactions.

There is also the back ...

The problem with that a lot of people make when talking to women or people in general is that they not only provide very little social value for interaction, but also take social value from an interaction by expecting that the second person to entertain them!

To become a social magnet, you must be a source of social value and not be a spectator! Now this does not necessarily mean that you must be a clown, but you must learn to develop the skills to add social value.

Is that it?

Well, on the basis of personal magnetism is the key skill of Social Value Adding.

But what if you do not want to have a fun fun personality? It's just not me, you might say ...

Well if you want personal magnetism, you have to change. The problem with most people with their great personalities is that their communications do not add social value.

In further posts, I will be covering topics on exactly how to add social value to the interaction, including the special language used exclusively for that purpose ... a language which I call "Emotional Communication".

Also equally important as the added social value is the skills for maintaining social value ...because people always try to reduce your social status. Social value retention is the skill to defend yourself verbally in any social situation.

If the Social Value Adding is "offensive move" in the game for social interaction, so you could class social value detention as "defensive move".

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