Monday, February 1, 2010

A home herb garden for cooking and medicine


Ground Ivy has small purple / pink flowers with small red spots, as they rarely exceed 120 mm in height and display relatively lush variegated foliage support that runs across the ground, take root in a wider and wider area by uncontrolled. The leaves of these garden plants are similar in shape and appearance to a conventional ivy - hence the name ground ivy. Not only will reward you with her own prettiness, but will also invite butterflies to flutter about the garden.


A native of northern climes, it was certainly used in Saxon times, as there are records showing its use in clearing brewing ales. Ground Ivy has, over the centuries marched across Europe and the United Kingdom yard by yard and is currently invading the U.S. from the east. Its virtues make it a popular addition to gardens, where it is often used as an inhibitor of weeds as its dominance brooks no rivals.


The plants were fairly ordinary cultivated garden plants for their apparent detoxification virtues.All parts have a bitter taste, but has a lovely flavor powdered soil Ivy were included in mixtures snuff to relieve headaches and clear sinuses. Before the introduction of unleaded paint Cultivated American house painters ground ivy as essential herb garden plants - they used them in a tea - called Gill tea after the French 'Guillen' (about to ferment beer). This tea was considered to be an antidote for inflamed eyes and the common disease leading colic "experienced painters of the time. Gill tea was a specific remedy for hacking coughs and popularly used as a blood tonic.


Although seeds are available, because ivy spreads easily from a piece of its square root is simply displaced by the host plant, no special measures are necessary at all when you take cuttings from these plants. Although not nervous herb garden plants, ground ivy will thrive in heavy dampish soil with a minimum of sunshine.

The home garden can be a wonderful source of medicinal herbs: St. John's Wort is approved to help relieve tension, both mentally and physically, while wormwood has long been known to support many digestive disorders. Woads was primarily used for its indigo-colored dye in the West, but has long been known to Chinese doctors as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral treatment, and it is said that taken orally can help to prevent influenza. I grow several plants of anise in my home garden and I love to drink tea from the aromatic seeds. Anis syrup is known to relieve coughing.

Besides the common culinary and medicinal uses, some herbs also protect your home garden and your house from unwanted pests. Dill is known for keeping the white butterfly from laying eggs on cabbage, while the fennel is a major obstacle for fleas, and that is why it is best grown just outside the kennel. Bay leaves keep weevils away, just put a plate or two of rice, container, or spread a few leaves on pantry shelves where you store your grain and flour. Because the herbs come in various sizes and textures, they can create visual interest in the home vegetable garden, while still useful in several ways for cooking, in medicine and vermin deterrent, therefore, using herbs from a home vegetable garden is a wonderful hobby which also offers practical advantages.

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