Monday, February 22, 2010

How To Use Two Tricks On A Lost Love To Get Her Back

Internet dating biz offers thousands of tips and techniques promising success with women, but almost none teach you what works in today's woman. Most of these hucksters promoting outdated old fogy things just no longer works. Here is how to date your dream girl now.

The typical sales headline reads: "How to Date Hot Women!"

They promise to teach you how to score with the female that transforms head when she walks by. You know the type, she makes guys drool. These marketing people never mention that the girl-next-door type, the chances would be a much hotter girl for a relationship.

The real question to you is: "Who is the girl of your dreams at the moment?"

If it is the super-model type, you can have her. If that is the average girl, you can have her too. It does not matter how she looks to other guys, it only matters if she "trips your trigger." The girl who does it for you, what you may have if you go about it using the right technique.

It also applies to the girl who dumped you for a second, because obviously your technique was not good enough to keep her hooked. With the right technique, every woman will be begging you to come back to her. For her, you will be a brand new man!

Almost every guy that you know want to date a hot girl, but, you know, it is true that 99% of them never. They end up dating someone who will date just about anyone or anyone who has a crush on them. Normally, a person is not your dream girl category. Am I right?

Why do you think it's true?

The answer is, pretty girls intimidate most guys. The average guy thinks too little of himself, so he never steps up to the plate. He just sits in the dugout and watches star players do all the scoring with these beauties.

Tell me the truth. When you see a woman like this, you have a fleeting fantasy of what it would be like to be with her, to hold her, kiss her, or just to hold hands with her. Your breath shortens a bit and your heart pounds a bit and it ends there. When it comes time to lift the plate and swing the bat, you tell yourself you will certainly be a loser.

Is this familiar? Sure it is.

Now here is a little secret that will give you an advantage over 99% of other men:

99% of men like you are at this time. They make excuses for their lack of courage when it comes time for communicating with a very attractive woman. Can you see how this can give you an edge?

Would you like to be among the 1% of men who are not afraid of being rejected and who knows how to get a date with their dream girl now? These are the guys who know, even if they do not score with every dream girl, the odds are still in their favor. They know that if they go to bat enough times, they will be better than home runs. And they do!

A good salesperson will not give up before they get the seventh "No" when asked the final question. That is why they are successful.

Get the point?

To have a rich dating life you have to step up to the plate and swing the bat. You have to ask the final question.

Did you know that "Babe Ruth held the record for strike outs at the same time as the record for most home runs in his career? The" Babe "swung himself on the bad spots. He could golf baseball out of the park!

Here is the # 1 reason why most men do not approach women: It is because of a mental block.You are probably suffering from the same problem if you are paralyzed and unable to approach your dream girl now. Let us solve your problem right now.

The first thing you need to do is learn a new way of thinking about yourself and all women.

This involves convincing yourself that you are really a brave guy, one person, one woman would be lucky to know on an intimate basis. This is an exercise in raising your self-esteem, which I can say is rather low when it comes to women. Try these self-talk points, or compose your own:

• "I can have a relationship with almost every woman I choose"
• "Because a woman is beautiful does not mean I can not have her.
• "I love all women and are attracted to me.
• "No woman is too classy for me."
• "Most guys are afraid to try to date beautiful women. I am not afraid."

Says that these talking points to yourself, aloud, if possible, many times a day.

Believe it or not, adopting a positive attitude about yourself and how you see women will make you attractive and interesting for women. Women read men on an intuitive level, "vibes" if you want, and your high self-esteem will show through without you uttering a word.

You can find this other trick takes some hits and misses practice.

You need to discover that there is a proven way to communicate. The biggest problem you have with approaching attractive women, you simply do not know how to flirt with them in the right way.

You've seen other guys recruit old lamb techniques and get rejected again and again. And without one of the successful 1% teach you the right way, you will be among the missing 99%.

It is a fact that creating a connection comes down to a very powerful technique: Knowing how to flirt.

Each woman will respond to a particular flirting technique. If you know how to flirt with every type of woman you want to reach them at a deep level, most guys can not understand.

You see, 99% of guys do not because they are not focused on the girl and what she needs.

Let's smash some outdated ideas here.

In the first game is flirting never to ask her personal questions. And it is never on the establishment of compatibility. Actually can flirt just a quick success by avoiding statements that guys often use to find a common bond.

No, actually, flirting techniques about creating intimacy. It is this delicate balance to tease a woman while she wants your attention focused. And, whatever you do, do not compliment her at this stage of the game. It is lame and will not work in 99% cases. She will see right through it, or even have low self-esteem themselves and simply will not believe you are sincere. You will be surprised how many really beautiful women have low self-esteem!

Rather than boldly approach her and use techniques that will create this emotional connection that you need for all successful flirting conversations! You will discover that low-key light banter and conversation are the best ways to attract and date your dream girl now. In other words: Do not be so serious!

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