Friday, February 19, 2010

Ten Tips For Happy Breastfeeding

Our name is Julie Cattle from and these are our Top 10 tips for happy breastfeeding technique. There are many more proposals are available on our website.

- Make sure you are comfortable. Whether you choose to feed a lying or sitting up make sure you are well and will be able to stay comfortable if you have to stay there for a longer period. Some mothers choose to sit in a rocking chair or up in bed with pillows behind your back.

- Make sure you have some nursing clothes that open in front well enough to allow you to keep your baby close to your chest. Better yet, go topless while you are learning to breastfeed. This has many advantages. It gives close skin to skin contact with your baby, which boosts the warm fuzzy feeling hormones that will make plenty of milk.

- Hold your baby close and remove any wrap or excess clothing.

- Ensure that the child throughout the body is facing you, then hips, abdomen and chest is against you.

- Gently touch your child's mouth with the nipple. Your child will open his mouth instinctively when attaching the nipple to it. This is the rooting reflex material.

- Some mothers find it helpful to support the chest with the opposite hand, as the baby down. If you do this make sure that your hand is well away from the areola in order not to get in the way of your child's mouth.

- Encourage your baby to open her mouth nice and wide.

- As you brush your nipple against his mouth, your baby will open wide in the chest. Avoid moving the chest or hunt the open mouth. Keep the chest still and the natural anchorage reflectors will help your child to find the nipple. Just wait for the open mouth and get your baby nice and close. Tongue will appear and you baby will latch on. Most of the time, this ensures a good, natural connection. If you have problems or feel unsure, ask for help.

- Bring the baby to the breast instead of the breast to the child.

- You might find it helpful to support your child behind the shoulders when you put it on your chest, fast, easy motion.

Sometimes, in spite of a mothers best efforts and all the encouragement and support in the world, breastfeeding challenges can not be conquered.

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