Sunday, February 21, 2010

Which Organic Crib Mattress Should I Choose

As a distributor of organic crib mattresses, we are often asked: "What a crib mattress is right for our child? "It is understandable. After the decision to invest a little more money into an organic crib mattress, you do not want to choose the wrong. Its really more simple than you might think. The first thing you must ensure is that the mattress you choose is truly organic.

The "Organic" Label

Do some research and make sure that the description and info says 100 organic if it is metal in it? Yes, of course, there is no such thing as organic metal. What you want to search the inner spring mattresses is the oil they use for metal. Look in the description of non-toxic oils such as heavy oil and beeswax, or any other form of non-toxic oils used in springs. When an inner spring has 100 organic, plus any oils used in the springs is non-toxic.

You want to be careful with the word "natural" as well. Many people believe the words natural and organic coincide with each other. In some cases it may be true, in others, it's even a pun that you think you get a better quality mattress than you actually are. Read descriptions, read labels and ask questions.

Types Organic Crib Mattress

The next thing on the list to choose the right organic crib mattress for your baby to explore all styles of crib mattresses available. You will find a wide range of inner spring and natural rubber (also called latex) mattresses. An inner spring mattress is usually more affordable and consists of metal springs, along with cotton and wool batting, filling and topping. The inner springs you will find varieties of less padding, more padding, inner springs with edge supports, and a series of coil counts. You want to look at the coil count on them. A typical inner spring crib mattress has about 180 coils. The higher the coil count, the more quality and longer your mattress will be. A 210 coil count will be better than a 180, but not as good as a 260 coil count.

When you find an inner spring with edge support, not to be confused. Many parents think their support is on the outer side of the mattress. Actually, the clips built into the inside of the mattress to keep the sides from caving in. It is especially useful when used in a toddler bed.

Natural rubber consists of rubber is collected from a rubber tree plant that is whipped with heat to form a foam. It is then packed with cotton and wool batting, filling and topping. It's more cushiony than the inner spring (but still solid enough to be safe for baby) and in accordance with the body better. This is an area you where you want to be really careful with labels as mentioned above. In natural rubber, you will find varying thickness from 3 "to 6".

Which one should we choose?

The first thing to select the right organic crib mattress for your baby is to decide how long your child will use the mattress. If you are fairly sure that your child will use the mattress only for the time he or she uses the crib, choosing the easiest of all. Children under two years old need a firm mattress that does not sink in more than half empty when it. Other than that, no matter what they were to sleep. Therefore you may as well get the basic inner spring mattress. Keep track of warranty information on these, as some of the "budget" inner springs with less padding and fewer broadband does not provide a warranty, and may not be as durable as those with more padding and more broadband. Choose the best regular organic inner spring your family can afford, and it should do the job just fine.

To upload your mattress for a toddler bed, there are many other factors, you will take under consideration. Children from ages 2 to 6 years need more bone structure support. In this case, the natural rubber, the best way to go, because it corresponds to your child's body as he or she is asleep and offer the best support. We personally would not recommend a natural rubber mattress less than 4.5 "inches thick, but a parent does not necessarily have to use a 6" thick.This is really up to the parent, as any thickness from 4.5 "to 6" will do the same work. Some parents feel more comfortable with 6 "thick mattress just because it is the normal thickness of a standard crib mattress. When using 100 organic crib mattress.

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