Friday, February 19, 2010

Labrador Training To Walk on Leash

There may be various uses of Labrador training. Apart from being a household pet, a Labrador can be trained to be service dogs for physically handicapped persons, rescue or search dog, hunting dog, detection dog or therapy dog. But regardless Labrador training purposes, basic education must be done to make training less challenging.

A lesson to be included in the basic Labrador training is training a dog to walk on a leash. Most dogs do not like the limitation caused by a leash and collar. It is therefore important to make leash training as simple and quick as soon as possible. It is good if your new family member already in place for collars, but if this is not the case, there is no reason for alarm. There is still time for you to get your pet's familiar and comfortable with a collar.

The ball, happily call your pet to come to you. Place the collar when he is relaxed and play to keep his attention away from the strange things around his neck. He will probably try to remove or scrape the stuff, but it is important that you do not take it off. Take it out when he is relaxed and forgot it. The collar should not be too tight to give him comfort and allow him to breathe and neither too loose it can easily slip off your dog's head.

When your facility is comfortable with the collar, attach the leash and let it for a brief moment to get him used to it. When the leash is on, do not let your dog unattended, because the string can be tangled and can lead to injury. When your lab have become accustomed to the leash, pick up the other end of it and start walking around the house with your dog either beside or behind you, never in front of you. Chances are, your dog will try to go up or refuses to move. Use "get" command to solve this problem. If it does not work, you must use "get" command and gently tug the leash to get his attention. Praise and reward him if he responds to the command.

Training a Labrador to walk on a leash may be difficult to know that labradors are big and strong dogs that can tend to drag a lot. The "stay" command can do wonders to this dilemma.

Hold short courses and enjoyable.

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