Friday, February 19, 2010

Learn Beginner Guitar - 6 Easy Steps To Finger Tap Like A Pro

There are some very fun and exciting things that are unique to the guitar. One of these unique elements are called finger tapping. Although the theory behind the finger tapping is not new, there is just something about guitar finger tapping it sounds quite cool. Many other instruments such as piano and saxophone have been trying for years to imitate the sound of a guitar finger tapping. At the end of the day, however, there is nothing like a real guitar finger tapping as a pro.

Let's take a look at 6 easy steps to teach beginners guitar finger tapping.

1. With your left hand, place your first finger on the second string, fifth bands.

2. With your right hand first finger pluck the second string at the ninth bands.

3. With your third finger to find the seventh band

4. With your right hand first finger take the ninth bands.

5. Quickly lift your third finger out of the seventh band

6. Repeat steps 2 to 5

Let's take a look at a longer explanation of what happens.

1. With left hand, place your first finger on the second string, fifth bands: Remember to use proper left hand technique and place your left fingers just before the tape to get the best sound out of your guitar.

2. With the right first finger pluck the second string at the ninth fret: If you choose the guitar you want to place it somewhere else right now. Later, as you improve your finger tapping technique you can place your guitar choose from another set of fingers.

3. With your third finger to find the seventh tape: This is a technique called a hammer, and it will require practice to get the memo sounds loud enough to be heard. If you have a guitar amp, turning up the volume will help you to hear your hammer on the notes until your fingers are strong enough to not need extra volume.

4. With the right first finger take the ninth fret: If you have difficulty hammering on the note with your first finger to try to place your middle finger over your first finger to give it some extra strength.

5. Quickly lift your third finger out of the seventh band: You can either lift your left hand third finger as soon as your right hand first finger taps its first note, or you can rapidly lift your left hand third finger away from the tape that you pluck the ninth fret with the right first finger.

6. Repeat steps 2 through 5: You now have the basic foundation to start finger tapping!

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